
Breakdown Cover

Breakdown Cover you can rely on

Get a helping hand from an engineer 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year round.

Why choose Breakdown Cover?

Unlimited UK
Roadside Call-outs

You can have as many
call-outs as you need.


We'll pay for a recovery
operator to flush and drain
your fuel tank.

24hr Rescue

365 days a year, 24 hours a day, we rescue customers across the entire UK.

Great features as standard

No matter which level of Breakdown Cover you choose, each one includes these great benefits as standard:

Emergency accommodation

Up to £150 per person for one night's accommodation if your vehicle breaks down and can't be repaired same day (max. £600).

We cover named drivers

Your car will be covered whether it's you or one of your named drivers behind the wheel.

UK onward travel allowance

Up to £500 for alternative transport or a hire vehicle when your car can't be repaired same day.

Trailer recovery

Recovery for your trailer or caravan (up to 2.55mtrs wide).

Electric Vehicles

Includes cover for electric vehicles.

Buying Breakdown Cover is easy

You can buy online with your insurance or speak to one of our friendly team on 0333 234 9976. If you add Breakdown midterm, your cover will start 48 hours after you've spoken to one of our advisors.

Choose from three levels of cover

Ford Insure offers three different levels of cover so you can choose the best option for your needs.

Assistance Cover

National Plus Cover

European Plus Cover

Unlimited UK Roadside Assistance Call-outs

Unlimited UK Nationwide Recovery

Within 10 miles of breakdown

Home Assist

Unlimited European Rescue Call-outs

You have Breakdown Cover – what next?

We hope you never have to use breakdown cover, but if you do, you can call for assistance whenever you need to. When you call, our team will ask for:

  • Your policy number
  • Your vehicle registration, make and model
  • Your location

Don’t forget to give us your phone number so we can stay in touch; we'll call or text you with information on who will be attending your breakdown and how long they'll be.

Making a Claim

If your car breaks down please call our 24-hour control centre on 0330 102 6751.

View the policy book

You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view these files. You can download it for free from the Adobe website.